Conceptual Foundations

Conceptual Foundations

You are teaching someone how to drive a car. They already know how to ride a bicycle, so you may say something along these lines:

Driving a car is like operating a big bicycle. Imagine the gas pedal is like the bike’s pedal: the harder you push, the faster you go. The brake is like using your foot to slow down the bicycle. The steering wheel helps you navigate, similar to turning the handlebars on a bicycle. And just as you use gears on a bike to help you go up hills or pedal more easily on flat ground, the car’s gear shift helps you control the power of the car. Always remember, like when riding a bike, keep an eye on your surroundings and stay safe.

You used a bicycle as an analogy to help them understand how to drive a car. Once they feel comfortable driving the car, you will focus on teaching the rules of the road so they can navigate safely in traffic. You explain the protocol at a STOP sign and how to interpret the yellow, red, and green lights of a traffic signal. And so on. This is the process of building a mental model for safely driving a car on the road.

A Simple Project will delve into many non-trivial topics across various fields. We will employ many analogies, mental models, and several other such concepts for effective communication. We must define and describe several others concepts to establish our conceptual foundation for the project.

This page provides links to published conceptual foundations. It also mentions concepts that we will introduce in the future.

Conceptual Foundations

Soon to be Published Concepts

  • Metaphors
  • Minimalism
  • Intrinsic Value

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