
Hello, I am thrilled to welcome you to my blog focused on the 3 Cs: Complicated, Complex, and Confusing. These are not simple topics. I expect this will be a long journey. It will help to learn a little bit about me as we embark on this long journey.

About Me

My name is Krishna Nareddy. I was born and brought up in South India where I earned a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. Soon after that I moved to the United States to pursue a graduate program in Computer Science. After earning a Masters degree I started working in the software industry. I spent the better part of my career working at Microsoft on a range of products and services. I had also worked at a few other companies, a mix of large companies and startups, often bootstrapping new products and services from scratch. You can learn more about my career at LinkedIn.

I’ve always been an avid reader and that helped me learn and think about a lot of areas outside my work. One common pattern I noticed was the amount of complication, complexity, and confusion. That led me to wonder if I could help organize these seemingly related subjects under one umbrella. More importantly, I wondered if I could embrace their antidote, simplicity, and show others how to do the same. A Simple Project is the result. Hope you enjoy the journey.

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